Franciscan University updated as of September 22:

Dear Students,


We want to thank everyone who cooperated with the University policy to wear face coverings for the last two weeks to help decrease our overall number of positive COVID cases.

We are pleased to say our numbers have gone down significantly, and the mask policy will be rescinded beginning Thursday morning, September 23, at 8:00 a.m.  However, students, faculty, and staff members are welcome to continue wearing masks if they so desire.

As we move forward, it’s important to make a few points:

  • If you are having COVID symptoms, it is extremely important that you get tested. Our University community does best when we identify the positive cases and limit the spread as soon as possible. This is an essential part of having care and concern for your brothers and sisters here at the University.
  • Be attentive to small steps you can take to stay healthy and help keep our community healthy. For example, when you can meet outside, please do so.
  • Let’s continue to look for ways we can care for each other, and be sure to reach out to those you know who are stressed or having a difficult time.

Please continue to pray for our University community. The more patient and loving we are with each other, the more we give glory to the mighty works God is doing in our midst.

Know of our prayer and gratitude.

Father Dave Pivonka, TOR, President

Dr. Dan Dentino, Vice President of Student Life

We will do our best to post updated COVID-19 restrictions and guidelines for the local area here.

For everyone’s health and safety we ask that you do not attend reunion in person if you have had symptoms of or known exposure to COVID-19.

Please follow the CDC’s guidelines for quarantine and isolation to determine if it is safe for you to attend.